Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Confession Time

I must confess, I subconsciously put off praying over the weekend. I read up on the governors of Colorado, Connecticut and Deleware, the first two even are termed out, and couldn't compose separate nonpartisan prayers for the three Democrats.

This is odd, since I did okay with Jerry Brown. I think it may be that Gov. Brown is a seasoned and principled statesman. These others seem more like young hopeful politicians in comparison.

And so, for tonight, I will be asking anyone who comes across this to pray for these men. This is especially true for those in these 3 states. I will try to get five prayers done in the next two days to catch up.

A prayer:

Lord, I confess that my bias, and any prejudice I surely have, has hindered my prayers. Be with the citizens of these states, and with their leaders in the coming days.

Be with me as I meditate upon what I know, so that I may know what to pray on their behalf.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

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