Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bobbly Jindal - Louisiana

Bobby Jindal is a native Louisianan born to immigrant parents. He understands the troubles of minority citizens in times of trouble. After an impressive career in private and public service, he ran for governor in 2007 winning in all but a few of the parishes. He has his work set out for him in a troubled state. He will remain in our prayers.

I emailed this prayer to him this past evening (Wednesday):

Heavenly Father, I lift up the governor with all honor to his office. I know that governing Louisiana in such a hard time as the continued recovery from Katrina is not an easy task. I pray that You give his wisdom to build confidence in the authorities after so many mistakes were made.

I pray for his family. Give them a strong marriage. Bless the children as their father has come of prominence. I pray that the governor will remember his children in a time that they need him, making time when all else is pressing upon him.

We thank you, Lord, for strong leaders like Gov. Jindal. May you continue to bless the USA.

In Jesus' name,


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