Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Linda Lingle - Hawai'i

Governor Lingle is the first woman, and the first former mayor, to be governor of Hawai'i. She is also the first governor of Jewish heritage to be elected to that office! And she is that rare Republican to reach that honor in our fiftieth state.

Before I go any further in this blog, I want to give my condolences to the governor in the loss of her mother this week (April 1). My wife lost her father last November and we know somewhat the pain she is going through.

Governor Lingle is working for all the things that governors seek to do to improve their state -- education, economy, and energy/ecology.

We stand with her efforts, too, to lower the tax burden for a state with a high cost of living.

Here is the prayer I emailed her tonight:

I am lifting you in my prayers before the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- Praise be to His Name!

May you and your family dwell in peace with all blessings from God. I pray that your health is good and will remain so in the coming year.

May you be preserved from sin that you might have peace with God. If you fall, may God lift you out of the pit and into a more blessed life.

As a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, and believing Him to be Messiah, I pray that your eyes will be opened to your Messiah, that you might know Him in His glory. But as you look to the God of the Torah, I pray that you regard His word as sacred, striving to walk in its light -- no matter what!


In His Name,

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