Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mitch Daniels - Indiana

Mitch Daniels, a former businessman, had served in the federal administrations of both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Elected as governor in 2004, Gov. Daniels has worked tirelessly to insure a future Indiana greater than what it was when he took office.

Here is the prayer I emailed him:

Heavenly Father, we ask your blessing on the government of the state of Indiana. We ask that you guide Governor Daniels and his staff in making righteous decisions.

We thank you, LORD, for the renewed economic health of Indiana. We pray that the new businesses that have come there will thrive, allowing all Indianans the prosperity they bring.

We pray now that your people in Indiana will faithfully remember their governor in their prayers daily.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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