Thursday, April 17, 2008

Brian Schweitzer -- Montana

From growing up on the farm, Governor Schweitzer took his love of agriculture to new heights. His special interest in irrigation lead to international efforts to improve agriculture in the third world. He and his wife worked for years in Africa helping build systems to help drought stricken areas.

Returning to Montana to raise their family, they built their business in the states as they had overseas. Their efforts lead to national attention that landed appointments Schweitzer left only to run for public office in 1999.

I emailed my appreciation for all he has done, and offered this prayer:

Heavenly Father, I praise your Name. You have raised up men and women to lead our states in this time of crisis. Be with them in a special way, granting them wisdom to know the paths of righteousness which we must tread.

Bless the marriage of Governor and Mrs. Schweitzer, assuring their relationship will remain strong for the rest of their lives. Bless their children as they grow up in the shadow of their accomplishments.

Be with the people of Montana, give them prosperity and peace in the coming days. Give all travelers in their state safety as vacations begin to visit the beauty that is the mountains that give the state its name.

In Jesus' Name,

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