Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Steve Beshear - Kentucky

After having come up through the ranks of the political machinery, Steve Beshear fell short as he sought to advance from Lieutenant Governor back in the mid-eighties. Though disappointed, he did not stop there. He went into private practice as a leading lawyer in a large firm! And then, the call of public service pulled once more. This time he became the governor! We wish him the best.

Here is the prayer that I emailed him this evening:

Heavenly Father, You are so much above us. We are so small, but you are merciful to hear us. As we work together here in these United States, we thank you for the men and women that you have directed to rule over us. We know that they are mere human, lead in wisdom that comes from You. We lift up, now, Governor Beshear and his family. We thank you, Lord, that you have brought him up as a servant for Kentucky. Grant him continued health as he continues to serve in public office after having been in private business for so long. Be with his marriage and with his sons and their families - keep them strong. We lift the commonwealth of Kentucky as the Governor Beshear seeks the goals in the important areas of education, economic growth and health care. Grant him and his staff, the legislature and the courts the wisdom needed for righteousness to prevail. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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