Sunday, April 13, 2008

Deval Patrick - Massachusetts

"The Commonwealth’s first African-American Governor, Deval Patrick came into office with a grassroots message of hope, community and hard work. By focusing on transparency and inclusion, he hopes to increase accessibility to government and encourage the civic engagement so crucial to shared progress in education, health care, economic development and other issues.

Diane and Deval Patrick have been married for over two decades and have two college-age daughters, Sarah and Katherine. The Patrick family has lived in Milton, in a house on Deval’s high school paper route, for the last 17 years." -- From his bio at

A Prayer:

Glorious Father, we lift up Governor Patrick in his elevation to the office in the cradle of America! Onto those shores came our Pilgrim forefathers - a small band of Puritans, with a vision for a new world governed by your Law.

How we have fallen! But You have raised up men of vision, such as Governor Patrick, to lead us back to a world where freedom and justice are truly for all.

Bless Deval and Diane's marriage - keep it strong. Bless their relationship with their daughters who are now seeking lives of their own as they study in college.

And we pray for Massachusetts - for its people, for its historical landmarks, for its preservation as a bedrock of freedom.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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