Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Haley Barbour - Mississippi

Interestingly enough, Gov. Barbour's website does not have an email capacity. And so, this prayer goes out "blind," without first notifying his office. In a way, having a mailing address and telephone number as the only ways to contact him makes him seem "closer" to those who really need to do so. Guys like me -- and the media! -- can't sneak up on him in electronic secrecy! But on the other hand, it makes him seem a little aloof. But then, that's just me.

His website, though, was good. His biography is the first in 22 to mention his pro-life stance. That is very positive. As a rare re-elected governor of Mississippi, he has done a lot to improve a state near the bottom in so many categories. Even with Katrina, or maybe because of it, the progress is impressive. And so, if any of his staff come across this, here is my prayer:

Heavenly Father, Creator and Sustainer of us all, we ask your mercy on us, poor sinners saved by grace. There are so many ways in which we fall short. Lift us, Lord, even as we humble ourselves in your presence.

I pray that Governor and his wife will remain in good health. I pray that the wisdom which is from above will dwell in him as he makes decisions that affect Mississippi's millions.

Be with Mississippi and its residents as they continue to rebuild these many months and years since the devastation of the hurricanes of 2005. I remember my own extended family, the Martins of Mississippi, as they most certainly were affected as well.

Lord, be with the continued growth in the education, health, and economy of Mississippi.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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